Welcome to the International Neural Network Society.

A Presidential Welcome from Francesco Carlo Morabito, 2025-2026 INNS President

In the next two years, I will assume the leadership of our Society. This is an exceptional achievement to me, which comes with many responsibilities and requires hard dedication.

In 2024, Neural Networks (NN) was formally recognized as the foundation of the scientific and technological revolution driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). It goes without saying that the scientists recently awarded with the Nobel Prize (in Physics and in Chemistry) belong to (or had a relevant history in) our Society, the International Neural Network Society (INNS). In particular, the recognition of the Backpropagation algorithm as the kick-off point of this extraordinary history as well as the convolutional architectures which are at the core of Deep Learning make us proud.  INNS is intimately related to these developments, being the premiere organization devoted to every aspect of NN, including the original neuroscientific and biological inspiration.

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The Benefits of Membership

Enjoy these benefits as an INNS member:
  • Connect with industry leaders and fellow AI researchers at the premier AI conference, IJCNN.
  • Receive exclusive savings of up to USD $100 on IJCNN conference registration.
  • Stay informed with the latest research in AI through annual member-only webinars and workshops by joining our Sections.
  • Gain complimentary access to the leading Neural Networks Journal and receive a combined 50% discount (25% from Neural Networks and 25% from INNS) on open-access article processing charges.
  • Students receive up to 75% off the annual membership rate. (Subject by membership type.)
  • Connect with over 2,000 members across various interest areas and geographic regions through our member-only directory.
  • Leverage exclusive networking opportunities at IJCNN, including participation in special sessions like the Mentor-Mentee Program, Doctoral Consortium, and Student Luncheons.
  • INNS student members can apply to receive travel grants of up to USD $1,000 to attend the IJCNN conference in person.
  • INNS members are able to propose new Section interest groups, serve in committees, and vote and/or run for office.
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Neural Networks Journal

Neural Networks is the archival journal of the world's three oldest neural modeling societies: the International Neural Network Society (INNS), the European Neural Network Society (ENNS), and the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS). A subscription to the journal is included with membership in each of these societies.

The online subscription to Neural Networks Journal will need to activated with your member number. Follow these instructions to activate your subscription.

Learn more about Neural Networks